Are you looking for a way to get rid of pesky ants? Then worry not, these three tips will help you eliminate unwanted ants that are causing trouble in your home, it’s easy, cheap and definitely effective.
White Vinegar
White Vinegar has a lot of uses and one of these is being a great natural bug repellant. Mix up a solution of 50-50 vinegar and water in a spray bottle and use it to repel ants by spraying the mixture on them or wipe them up with a towel. You can also choose to use a 100% pure vinegar solution to eradicate ants.
Ants can still smell the lingering scent of the vinegar even after it dries and it helps repel ants in the future which means it’s a long term solution to your problem. Another great thing about White Vinegar is that it’s affordable and easy to find since we use it in our daily lives.
Diatomaceous earth (silicon dioxide)
Diatomaceous earth or DE for short is a type of powder made from the sediment of fossilized algae called diatoms. The algae have skeletons made of silicon dioxide.
Diatomaceous earth is not poisonous. Instead this fossilized rock powder is the answer to your ant infestation problem. It does not only kill ants but other bugs too such as cockroaches and bed bugs by absorbing the oils in their skeleton and drying them out. Simply sprinkle the powder onto the ants when you see them travel or in the place that they hide out. Since DE is an irritant, it is advisable to use safety gloves when using it and avoid getting it on your skin.
Borax is a great solution against ants infestation since it is toxic to them. It kills ants upon ingestion. When ants eat the borax bait, it interferes with their digestive system and eventually kills them. However, they don’t die right away, the borax acts slowly enough to allow the worker ants to consume the borax bait and bring it to their colony for the other ants to eat and eventually they ingest it and cause death.
An important reminder when using borax is to keep it away from children and other pets. Use safety gloves and wash your hands after usage.