Wasps can be a serious pest to deal with. They can sting and cause an allergic reaction and this makes it harder to get rid of them. If you see wasps lurking around your property, you probably know how dangerous they can be. Fortunately, there are things you can do to eliminate wasps from your property.
Here are the 3 Best Ways to Get Rid of Wasps Around Your Home
Use an Insecticide Spray
An insecticide that is specially formulated for wasps is a powerful tool to eliminate them. While this is an effective method for removing wasps, you need to take preventive measures before using it. Make sure to cover up as much skin as possible, and dress in layers with clothes made of tightly woven fabric to avoid being stung.
You can buy a wasp-killing spray online or at your local grocery store to do this job. It’s advisable to purchase a wasp spray with a nozzle that allows you to spray from a distance. Follow the directions on the container and spray it onto the nest. You may have to do this multiple times. Once you’re certain the entire colony has been killed, destroy the nest right away.
Hang Wasp Traps
Making a wasp trap is easy and environmentally friendly since you don’t have to use chemicals for this method. You can make a DIY trap by sawing the top off a two-liter bottle and inverting it inside the bottom, or cutting a small hole in the top. It is composed of an entryway and an interior chamber filled with liquid-like water with sugar that attracts wasps. Once wasps crawl into the trap, they get stuck and drown. Place the traps near the entryway of the wasp nests. But, if you are not fond of formulating a trap, then you can purchase one at Amazon or your local hardware store.
When using this method, it is important to change the traps regularly since the traps tend to be filled with wasps daily.
Use Soap and Water
Another eco-friendly way to get rid of wasps around your home is by using soap and water. Using this method, you can make your insecticide with just a few household items; a liquid dishwasher soap, water, and a spray bottle.
First, fill the spray bottle with water and add the dish soap to form a mixture. After that, spray the solution directly on the nests. This mixture will clog the wasps’ breathing pores and will cause them to suffocate and die immediately.
It’s best to do this method if you’re only dealing with a small group of wasps since a big group will require help from highly formulated pest control sprays to fully infiltrate the whole nest.
These are just some of the many ways you can get rid of wasps around your home.